Sunday, August 16, 2009


Here's a question we often get from our customers:

Here's a popular idea that we recently shared with one of our favorite customers and we have everything you need to get the job done!
No decorating skills required! :)

Fill that space with your favorite color of Pip Berry Garland and wrap it with lights and rusty garland! This looks very pretty during the day and super cozy at night! Here's how:

Each of our berry garlands are 4 ft. long, so you can measure how many you would need to go across the top of your cabinets. Then, each berry garland takes 1 star garland to wrap around it. This is very easy to do. Our tin star garlands come compact, but stretch out to 6 ft. each. Both the berry garlands and the tin star garland are bendable and flexible, so it's very easy to wrap the tin garland around each berry garland strand. We also have tin heart garland and some seasonal ones, such as pumpkins, snowflakes and snowmen!

Next, we have both brown wire Christmas lights and Teeny Bulb Rice Lights that you can wrap around the garland. They're great because the brown wire matches the brown stem of the berry garland. The rice lights are tiny points of light and they're a little bit brighter than the Christmas light bulbs. Both styles are nice, so it depends on which you like better. You tend not to see the rice lights as much when they're off because they're so tiny.

We have 20 count strands and 35 count strands of lights, but only the 50 count and 100 counts have plugs on the ends that you can plug into each other, like on a Christmas tree. And there's also a 140 count strand of rice lights called a "dancing strand" that has several multi function settings where the lights flicker, "dance" and fade. Very cozy & twinkly at night! This one also has a stackable, end-to-end plug. It depends on how long the length of your cabinets run and how tightly you want to wrap the lights around each berry garland, to know how many strands of lights you'll need.

An additional idea: Collect different colors of berry garland for the different seasons throughout the year. Change them out with the seasons! You can easily store our berry garland in those plastic containers that you can find in Walmart, Target & Home Depot. This way you can use them again and again every year, every season!

Don't forget, after you've finished your project, if you're interested, you can send us a photo of it and give us permission to put it on our blog! We love our customer testimonials!

Happy shopping, good luck with your decorating and have fun!

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